6A putting the finishing touches on their miniature pyramids. Once they finish, they will bury a pharaoh from ancient Egypt!
AMS BUS #5 is running about 15 mins late this morning. Sorry for the delay
Check out all the fun we had this week!!
All after school activities at Albright will be canceled on Wednesday, 1/26/22.
AMS Families,
Please make sure that your child dresses for the weather (winter coats, gloves, hats) because the windchill is below zero.
Also, if you are dropping your child off at school, please do not pull up in the bus lane when you see buses. Also, please do not pass the buses or try turning around when they are dropping students off in the morning. Thank you for your continued support.
Take a little time to enjoy the VIKING VIEW!
Enjoy your weekend!
Just a reminder that today Jan. 19th is a half day.
Students will be dismissed at 10:53am at Albright,
10:40am at Swartz, and 10:50am at Salt Creek.
Thank you.
We hope everyone has a wonderful and relaxing three day weekend. Today marks the midpoint of Trimester 2 for our Albright students. Please review your child's grades with them in Skyward sometime soon. Here is a document with directions on grade viewing. It also explains how you can upload your child's COVID-19 vaccine card, if they have received that. https://5il.co/14co0
Ms. Aulisa
Have a wonderful 3 day weekend!! We will see you back on Tuesday, January 18th.
We hope you have a wonderful Winter Break!!
We will see you back on Thursday, Jan. 6, 2022.
Check out Viking Update Episode 13. Have a great break and look our for more AVTV in 2022! https://youtu.be/zR3eTTZg6OI
Just a reminder we have school next week, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Take a look at what we have been up to this week at Albright.
Our students worked on holiday cards for Lexington Square in Elmhurst. Students discussed the importance of connecting with others in the community.
Our students worked on holiday cards for Lexington Square in Elmhurst. Students discussed the importance of connecting with others in the community.
Our students worked on holiday cards for Lexington Square in Elmhurst. Students discussed the importance of connecting with others in the community.
District 48 needs subs! Please consider being a sub for our school district.
8th Grade Parents,
Please don't forget to schedule you Course Selection Appointment with Willowbrook High School. You should have previous communication from Ms. Whittaker about this. They will keep the online scheduler open until 12/9. Families whose child has an IEP only need to make an appointment if they would like to, as they will meet with a counselor during the transition meeting. Families that do not schedule an appointment will have an appointment date and time scheduled for them.
The appointments will be on Zoom on January 22, 27 and 29. They will be for 15 minutes and we will review PSAT scores, teacher recommendations and student and parent input to select courses for the 22-23 school year. It is imperative for you to attend this meeting to schedule their courses.
If you have questions, please call their office at 630-530-3419.
It is already December! Time to get the snow pants and hot coco out! Enjoy this weeks Viking View!
Dear Viking Parents,
We have been running our weekly COVID-19 screening program for a few weeks now seamlessly. It is a low nasal swab test, and students are in and out quickly. Children registered for testing can even test at school before they are sent home for being a close contact and/or having symptoms. These PCR tests are picked up daily, as needed, and the results come back between 24-48 hours later. We can save you the hassle of finding a testing site and the correct type of test. You can opt-out of weekly testing, but still have this option, you just have to email Ms. Aulisa to let her know that you want to opt-out and register for the program. Please consider registering here: https://northshoreclinical.jotform.com/213005002851943
Call us if you have any questions.
Ms. Aulisa
We are proud to announce that AVTV is back in action! Check out our latest episode of Viking Update! Please enjoy the episode and have a great break!