Breakfast - Lunch Program
Free/Reduced Meals
Salt Creek School District 48 is part of the National School Lunch Program providing free and reduced meals to eligible families. Free meals are provided at no cost.
Direct Certification
Families whose child(ren) are eligible for free meals through the state Direct Certification program will receive a Direct Certification letter from the NSSEO Food Service Program Coordinator. Households that receive a Direct Certification notification DO NOT need to fill out a meal application.
Household Eligibility Application Process
Families whose child(ren) have not been found to be eligible through Direct Certification, may apply for eligibility for free/reduced meals by completing a Household Eligibility Application. Households that meet the federal guidelines will receive free/reduced meal services.
Students who qualify for reduced-price meals are eligible to receive a meal at the cost below:
Reduced-Price Breakfast: 30 cents
Reduced-Price Lunch: 40 cents
Household Eligibility Application
Paid Meals
Paid meals are also available to students at the cost below:
Paid Breakfast: $1.85
Paid Lunch: $3.45
Summer Breakfast and Lunch Programs
In addition, FREE healthy and nutritious meals are available for children (18 and under) when school is out.
To find a site close to you call 800-359-2163 or text FOODIL to 303304 or visit Summer Food Service Programs.
Accommodating Children with Special Dietary Needs
Meal modification requests can be made due to a disability or a preference. Meal modification request forms can be found below:
Food Allergies
Students who require modified meals due to food allergies should complete a Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Emergency Care Plan and submit to the District School Nurse, Danyelle Olsen at
Salt Creek School District 48 plays an essential role in student wellness, and proper nutrition and physical activity are key to creating healthy learning environments. NSSEO's Wellness Plan provides guidance to further support school efforts in providing students with a productive and healthy future.
In accordance with federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity. For more information or to file a discrimination complaint, please see the links below.