(630) 279-8400 x1003
The Operations & Business Services Office is responsible for the financial operation of the district and the general business and support functions. Our staff members manage all aspects of the District’s finances and operations including Fiscal Planning, Budgeting, Accounting, Accounts Payable, Insurance, Payroll, Purchasing, Custodial Service, Food Service, and Transportation.
The District’s financial goals and objectives are to provide an optimum educational program for all of the children of the school district in line with the district’s educational philosophy, consistent with efforts to achieve a balanced budget, and the taxpayers' ability to support such a program.
The District has consistently received “Recognition” financial ratings from the Illinois State Board of Education and is a Tier 4 Evidenced-Based Funding district based on fund balances available to provide optimum education programming for our students.
The Operations & Business Services Office staff provide the Board of Education, the District’s management, and interested citizens with the most meaningful financial planning and support services to maintain fiscal and operational health. The employees, parents, and Board of Education have high expectations for our educational programs, facilities, and quality of our district, and our careful planning and commitment reflect those expectations.
The Operations & Financial Services Department provides support services to schools and departments. Services include transportation, buildings & grounds, purchasing, accounts payable, budget, bookkeeping, payroll, and foodservice.

Julie Jilek, CSBO

Hunter Macek
Accounting/Payroll/Benefits Specialist
630-279-8400 x 1006

Roxanne Beausoleil
Administrative Assistant Accounts Payable
630-279-8400 x 1002

Andy Brown
Facilities Manager
630-279-8400 x 1007

Juan Sandoval
Manager RJB Properties, Inc.
331-703-2010 (cell)
Through the prudent management of District resources, the Operations & Business Services Department seeks to support the educational mission of the District. The department is responsible for the oversight of the District’s annual operating budget. The process begins with approval of the District Levy each December for local tax revenues for the following fiscal year. Over 90% of the District funds come from local taxpayers with 6% from the State of Illinois and 4% from Federal sources
We utilize a zero budget development philosophy when developing the annual budget. The Administrative Team begins staffing discussions in December for the following fiscal year finalizing those decisions each March. Staffing salaries and fringe benefits make up 85% of the Education Fund spending. The remaining 15% is allocated on the basis of building and department needs for supplies, equipment, curriculum, and classroom instructional support. Principals and Department Directors provide their requests each April for the following fiscal year.
A tentative budget is presented to the Board of Education each June for the following fiscal year with a final budget presented to the Board of Education each September for approval following a public hearing.
Pest Management Program
Annual Financial Audit
Annual Financial Report
Budget Documents
Department of Labor Prevailing Wage
EIS Administrator and Teacher Salary & Benefits Reports
IMRF Employee Salary & Benefits Reports
Truth in Taxation Public Hearing Notice
Vendor Contracts over $25,000