We love our school nurses! Thanks for all that you do to keep our students safe. Happy National School Nurse Day!
over 4 years ago, Sarah Monroe
National School Nurse Day
Just a reminder that Salt Creek District 48 is passing out meals for the week from 10am - 12pm at Albright Middle School today. We hope you are all staying safe and healthy!
over 4 years ago, Gerrie Aulisa
If you are the parent of a child with a disability who attends a nonpublic/parochial school, including home-schooled children, you are invited to attend a meeting held by District 48 on Friday, May 15th at 9:00am. The Timely and Meaningful Consultation meeting is an opportunity to learn how District 48 will fulfill its responsibility of identifying and providing services to children with disabilities who attend nonpublic schools/are homeschooled. To learn more and to RSVP, please contact Jennifer Sabourin, Director of Student Services, at jsabourin@saltcreek48.org.
over 4 years ago, Jennifer Sabourin
Notice of Public Meeting
Parents and Caregivers- we are excited to share our next Virtual Parent Night! Join us online on Tuesday, May 12 at 7:00pm for parent support and strategies to promote emotional wellness during times of crisis. Register at: https://virtualparentnight.eventbrite.com!
over 4 years ago, Jennifer Sabourin
Virtual Parent Night Flyer
Attention Salt Creek School District 48 Families: Please check your email for an important school update or view the letter here: https://tinyurl.com/ybb7f857 Best, Mrs. Angie Ross Curriculum Director
over 4 years ago, Angie Ross
Now that we are spending more time than ever at home with our family members, this is a great opportunity to convey important family stories orally and sing some songs in your home language. Storybooks and reading together is time well spent too! These rich cultural and linguistic interactions can bolster children’s sense of themselves and their primary language skills. Research supports that ultimately it is easier to master a second (or third) language and school learning when your primary language, culture, and sense of identity are stronger.
over 4 years ago, Jennifer Sabourin
English Flyer
Spanish Flyer
Parents and Caregivers- Don't forget that we are hosting a get-together on Zoom tonight! Join us to talk with our social workers and each other at 7:00pm! Email Mrs. Scholtes (kscholtes@saltcreek48.org) for details!
over 4 years ago, Jennifer Sabourin
Zoom Flyer
Our Stay at Home order is not slowing down our Viking Pride! Great drawing Little Vikings! Show us your Viking creation and you can be the next shared artist!
over 4 years ago, Gerrie Aulisa
Reminder!! Today is meal pickup from 10am-12pm at Albright Middle School. Also, if families are not sheltering at home/close to district 48 here is a good resource to locate meals near you: https://usda-fns.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=789a7a56a07f4e3dab873fd8c2918f9a
over 4 years ago, Katelyn Strom
Parents, would you benefit from some adult conversation in your life right now? We understand the stress of e-learning amongst all of your other responsibilities. We want you to have a place to chat with other parents, so we have created this upcoming event.
over 4 years ago, Gerrie Aulisa
Albright Vikings, Your One School, One Book is on it’s way! We will read Chapters 1-8 this week, but don’t worry the chapters are very short. See you Friday at 1:15pm for our next OSOB meet up! Keeping connected with our Viking Community is more important than ever before. - Ms. Aulisa
over 4 years ago, Gerrie Aulisa
If you call any of our offices, please leave a message. We are monitoring our phone lines daily. Someone will get back to you as soon as we can!
over 4 years ago, Sarah Smith
Here is another local option for food pick up for families this coming Sunday.
over 4 years ago, Gerrie Aulisa
CHANGE IN DEVICE PICK-UP SCHEDULE: Due to the weather tomorrow, we are changing our device pick-up schedule. All families can pick up devices today at Salt Creek using the following schedule: Last Names A-D: 9:00-9:45, E-H: 10:00-10:45, I-L: 11:00-11:45, M-P: 12:00-12:45, Q-T: 1:00-1:45, U-Z: 2:00-2:45. We apologize for the short notice! If this time does not work for you, please contact ssmith@saltcreek48.org
over 4 years ago, Sarah Smith
Hi Salt Creek Families! Reminder that we have our device pick-up for the following families this morning! Last Names A-D: 9:00-9:45 Last Names E-H: 10:00-10:45 Last Names I-L: 11:00-11:45
over 4 years ago, Sarah Smith
Parents and caregivers, you are amazing! We know that schedules, routines, and daily lives have been flipped upside down, and remember that we are here for you. You are doing a great job! https://youtu.be/aEmaWIxyhj8
over 4 years ago, Jennifer Sabourin
Meals for Kids.... If you miss our Albright meal pick up on Tuesdays from 10am - 12pm, here are some other local options.
over 4 years ago, Gerrie Aulisa
Don’t forget you can pick up your child’s device at Stella May Swartz today! It is a grab and go pick up. Please stay in your cars and we will bring the device to you. Last Names M-P: 9:00-10:00, Q-T: 10:30-11:30, U-Z: 12:00-1:00. Please email ssmith@saltcreek48.org if you have any questions!
over 4 years ago, Sarah Smith
Don’t forget you can pick up your child’s device at Stella May Swartz today! It is a grab and go pick up. Please stay in your cars and we will bring the device to you. Last Names A-D: 9:00-10:00, E-H: 10:30-11:30, I-L: 12:00-1:00.
over 4 years ago, Sarah Smith
Hi Salt Creek Families! Week 3 and 4 packets are available for pick up at Salt Creek. They are in a bin, outside the door. You may pick one up when it's convenient for you. To request a mailed packet, contact smonroe@saltcreek48.org. Thanks for your support in learning at home!
over 4 years ago, Sarah Monroe